Saturday, September 13, 2008

After the hospital visit!

Its kinda blurry but gives you an idea of how bad it was!


Mommy2Jacie said...

OMG! Let me tell you what is so weird, when I was little, my eyes use to do the same thing. (I always got out of mowing the lawn!!) My eyes are brown, and the white on the inside of my eye, would swell out over the brown - I use to look just like Saxton. With me, it was fresh cut grass. Gosh, I hope he feels better.


The Phipps said...

I hope Saxton feels better! That is pretty scary!!!!

Richardson Family said...

Holy Cow!!! Everything that can go wrong always seems to happen when the husband is deployed.... You are doing a great job! If you need help with anything, CALL ME!!! (although I don't think you will!)Grin. I really want to help where I can! I hope Saxton is going better, it does look aweful!

christy said...

poor little guy! my youngest two boys were really swollen like that once when they were stung by a bunch of bees. they had accidentally gotten into a hive. I guess Saxton will need to stay inside when yard work is being done.