Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a great mother's day! I always have mixed feelings about this day. I miss my own mother so much and there is nothing I would like more than to have her back but I love to celebrate BEING a mother. My husband made me breakfast and bought me some cards and clothes. The kids actually were good for the first part of the day- the girls have to pick at each other- they just can't stand it! But at church -Sister Darley gave me a hug from my mom- she knew her and said she just wanted to give me a hug from her! She made my day just by that small act of kindness- Wow- the world is not just being swallowed by evil- there are actual angels among us!!!!


The Phipps said...

That is so sweet! We do really need to be aware of people and their feelings. That was a nice thing she did for you.

christy said...

I have mixed feelings about Mother's Day too. That was very sweet of Sister Darley. She's a nice lady.

Janine said...

When did you lose your mom? I lost mine 3 years ago - on the day before Mother's Day. I actually like that now the day is ALL about me!