Today's lesson in church was mostly about being thankful for your trials. Well this is what I took from it anyway! That which does not kill us makes us stronger. The Lord gives us trials so that we can grow from them. If we never knew adversity than happiness would have no place. I am not the greatest at this concept so I will try to improve. When tragedy comes my way I do usually ask why? but then I realize that I could possibly grow as a person because of it( however long this takes varies). I do try to keep my head up when things are bad because I know they could always be worse and I am thankful for that!! Sean being gone for 6 months has been a big trial that I am not yet grateful for but I hope that I have grown from it:)
I do want to share with you a poem that was read at my mother's funeral- and I once had it framed and want to put it up in my house again- it is by William Wordsworth? I think that is right- I am doing this from memory-
What though the radiance that was once so bright
Be now forever taken from my sight
Though nothing can bring back the hour of
splendor in the grass, glory in the flower
We will grieve not but rather find strength
in what remains behind!!
I will never be grateful that my mother passed away but I am working on finding inner peace about it- although it is a daily struggle!! I try to find strength in my family that I do have and I love them dearly:) I hope that they can be patient with me and my emotional roller coaster that I take sometimes.
6 years ago
Well I think you're doing pretty great. They call it the refiner's fire for a reason. Sometimes it feels pretty HOT! lol! I've had some trials myself but lately I have seen a lot of people that I know very well go through some pretty bad stuff and I am so grateful for my imperfect life. We have so many blessings to be thankful for and I feel so helpless wishing that I could somehow lighten the burden that some of my friends are having to bear. I guess I will just have to pray for them and rely upon the spirit to prompt me if there is something I can do to help.
Thanks for that. It always makes me think, when I go through things, that someone always has more trials and worse things happen to them in their lives. You are a great person and a wonderful mother. I know that you have been through hard things in your life, but I think that you are doing great and the emotions are part of it. My daddy left us about 3 years now, just walked away of his on free will, I'll never understand it, but I have to forgive him. So, hang in there. You and Sean have a great family.
We had that same lesson yesterday, and I was difficult to hear. I have had a hard time with Jon being gone too and I find that shopping has helped and blogging has been a new favorite thing to do. I also look at another women in my ward who's husband is deployed and she just had their 4th child. He got to come home form one week during the birth. It could ALWAYS be worse.
You were right . . . it totally went with our VT. Thanks for letting us come. I had so much fun talking to you. You are the cutest craftyest* lady ever!! :)
*I might have made up a word. Ha! Ha!
Stacy, I found your blog off of Amanda Meyers, then Amanda Magonigal (who I at first thought was you!) It feels like forever since I was living in Ozark and working at Dance Dimensions. Good times! Your family is beautiful!
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