Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Shock Collar For Yoda!!

I love this shock collar we bought for Yoda! It has 5 levels of shock plus a beep. So the theory is that you beep first then shock- so in time all you have to do is beep and not shock. Yoda is already there- all I have to do is beep his collar and he runs to my side! I wish I could put this on my children- I know that would be cruel but it really is awesome. I wonder how long he will have to wear it? We are correcting his bad behavior right now but will use it to train to do some positive behavior later- like come and stuff like that. Yoda is a small dog and I only would shock him on the level 1 or 2 but I was in a rush the other day and just picked it up and shocked him for his behavior. Well he screamed like crazy- so I look down at the number and it was on 4- I felt pretty bad after that. The dog went and found Saxton for comfort- THAT IS CRAZY! I know he was scared if he was seeking out Saxton for protection.HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


No Longer Newlyweds. said...

Have you guys shocked yourself with that thing to see how bad it hurts?
I'd be so curious.

The Magonigal Family said...

Yes- I tested it first thing- it does have a kick to it!!!!!

christy said...

we used one on our dog once upon a time. it worked really well. ours was just the invisible fence kind. i just left it on her but after a few days she rarely tried to run off anymore.

Renee said...

That's so horrible and funny at the same time.

Yoda's a great name, by the way. said...
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