Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am not feeling well and haven't been since Monday. At first it was just a cough and now I think it is the flu. I am off to the doc today but I don't think there is much they can do. It sucks being pregnant and sick- can't take much medicine and I always worry about the baby. My husband has to work late and it is the kids busy day- i will have to suck it up and push forward. Maybe today will be a better day anyway. I will find out what we are having on March 3rd. I am so excited to find out because that means i can start planning and buying because I have nothing. Oh I do have a swing- there was one half off at target the other day and it was fairly neutral so I bought it. Two of my kids loved the swing and one did not- so at half off I bought it just in case this baby loves it. Now I need EVERYTHING else!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kim said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! I actually had my first Dr. appt. yesterday. I'm due Sept. 9th!

The Phipps said...

Sorry your sick....Tim had something like that and was sick for 4 weeks. Hopefully you'll bounce back quick! And you will have so much fun shopping for babies things...everything out there is so cute these days!